Migrating a WordPress Site

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This write-up is a guide for migrating a WordPress site from a local to a remote server, as if you were going from a local development environment to a remote environment on a hosting service.  It is based on phpMyAdmin in a Windows environment.

  1. A database and user will need to exist before migrating from one server to another occurs.
    • If it is a new install, create an empty database.
    • It is a bit easier if the database name and the login information (username and password) is the same across both databases.  If there is variation, the wp-config.php file will need to be updated to match the installation.
    • Add a user to the new database from the remote phpMyAdmin panel.
  2. Usernames and passwords will be needed for the local and remote WordPress login, and the hosting service login.
  3. Replace the wp-content folder on the remote server with the newer files from the local directory.  If it is just the theme that is changing, then you do not need to re-copy the whole directory – just the theme.  This is typically done using FTP or if you use a service like Beanstalk for a development environment, there is a manual deployment option.
  4. Go to the local phpMyAdmin and export the local database (select database and then the Export option in the dropdown below the table).  A sql file is created.
  5. Go into phpMyAdmin and import the sql file or paste the code into the sql window and select Go.   The database must exist for this to work (see step 1).
  6. The paths need to be updated in the remote server database.  This is done through sql commands.
    • Copy the code below into a text editor:
      UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid,`http://localhost/LocalSite/`,`http://www.RemoteSite.com/`);
      UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, `http://localhost/LocalSite/`,`http://www.RemoteSite.com/`);
      UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value, `http://localhost/LocalSite/`,`http://www.RemoteSite.com/`);
      UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, `http://localhost/LocalSite/`,`D`) WHERE option_name = `home` OR option_name = `siteurl`;
    • Replace `http://localhost/LocalSite/` with the path to your local site.
    • Replace `http://www.RemoteSite.com/` with the path to your remote site.
    • Copy and paste the new code into the remote database SQL area and select Go.

This completes the migration.  To go the other direction, just reverse the process.  Given below are some troubleshooting tips.

Trouble Shooting

  1. Site is not styled or working correctly, but it appears.
    • This may be due to the ftp program not copying the subdirectories of your theme.
    • Go to your WordPress settings and make sure your site URL is correct, and update your permalinks.
  2. Blank screen.  Recopy the whole site over.
  3. Still not working?  Check these things:
    •  Check the database table for options and check that the url and home are correct.
    • Make sure that wp-config matches the database name/username/password of the server.
    • Make sure the htaccess file is correct for the hosting service.
    • Look at the WordPress codex for potential solutions: Moving WordPress


  1. It is a good idea to use a different table prefix than WordPress default of wp.  If they are different, then the above migration script will need to be updated with the correct prefix for wp_posts, wp_postmeta, and wp_options.
  2. When I initially setup the sites, I create a directory where I keep the migration and configuration scripts.  Each file is clearly named.  For example, local_to_remote_sitename.sql.  In there is also a copy of the wp-content.php files.

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